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LBSQ Single A 03-01-2035
Available Coaches
General ManagerJames Abbott456 
ManagerJeff Abbott6211 
Team DoctorPaul Abbott6016 
ScoutJose Acevedo573 
ScoutMike Adams5611 
ScoutTerry Adams6117 
ManagerWalter Adams520 
ManagerDoug Adkins470 
Pitching CoachJeremy Affeldt551 
Pitching CoachJeremy Affeldt557 
Pitching CoachJeremy Affeldt5513 
ScoutJeremy Affeldt556 
ScoutBenny Agbayani6320 
ScoutAlberto Aguilar526 
ScoutErnesto Aguilar542 
Pitching CoachJosé Aguilera407 
Hitting CoachEd Aldridge5418 
Hitting CoachMartín Alemán514 
Hitting CoachEdgardo Alfonzo618 
ScoutEdgardo Alfonzo619 
Hitting CoachChad Allen609 
ManagerRalph Allen4610 
ScoutRalph Allen4613 
Pitching CoachRalph Allen463 
Pitching CoachSam Allen514 
Pitching CoachArmando Almanza6219 
ScoutAlonso Almenar630 
ScoutErick Almonte579 
ScoutPedro Álvarez554 
ScoutVictor Alvarez587 
ScoutBrian Anderson6215 
ScoutBrian Anderson625 
General ManagerChris Anderson380 
Pitching CoachJimmy Anderson5919 
Pitching CoachJimmy Anderson5910 
Pitching CoachMatt Anderson5811 
Pitching CoachClayton Andrews5611 
ScoutRick Ankiel5513 
Hitting CoachJoey Anstruther522 
ManagerJuan Aquino5210 
ManagerÁlex Arévalo4810 
ScoutJim Armstrong5519 
Hitting CoachTim Armstrong5715 
ScoutTerry Arnipp441 
ManagerJamie Arnold605 
Pitching CoachKevin Arrington396 
Pitching CoachBronson Arroyo580 
ManagerJose Ascanio4912 
Pitching CoachPedro Astacio6516 
Pitching CoachScott Atchison586 
ScoutRay Atkins460 
ScoutRich Aurilia634 
ScoutPat Austin484 
ScoutBruce Aven624 
ScoutSalvador Ávila6019 
ScoutAlfredo Avilés470 
Hitting CoachWilly Aybar5110 
ScoutBrandon Backe5615 
ManagerAlex Bailey6125 
Team DoctorDave Baker599 
ManagerJohnny Baker490 
Pitching CoachScott Baker533 
General ManagerJim Baldwin470 
ScoutKent Barker449 
Hitting CoachClint Barmes5513 
ScoutLou Barrett555 
ScoutKimera Bartee6215 
Pitching CoachTodd Bartels525 
Hitting CoachBrian Barton4916 
Team DoctorChuck Bates5210 
ScoutSteve Bates492 
General ManagerGarland Bateson5710 
Hitting CoachRich Becker6313 
ScoutRich Becker6314 
ManagerGordon Beckham4612 
ScoutErik Bedard5521 
Pitching CoachJoe Beimel5715 
Pitching CoachKevin Beirne618 
Pitching CoachMatt Belisle544 
ScoutRon Belliard596 
ScoutRon Belliard599 
ScoutCarlos Beltran579 
ManagerZach Bender490 
Hitting CoachGary Bennett6214 
Pitching CoachShayne Bennett629 
ScoutJoaquin Benoit571 
Pitching CoachJoaquin Benoit579 
ManagerKris Benson6014 
ScoutBrian Bentley4710 
Hitting CoachMorton Benton480 
Pitching CoachJason Bere6315 
ScoutJay Bergmann536 
ManagerFernando Bernal530 
Pitching CoachRafael Betancourt593 
Hitting CoachLarry Bigbie579 
Hitting CoachDavid Bird433 
ScoutAlbert Bishop5310 
Hitting CoachAlbert Bishop5311 
Pitching CoachJohn Bishop501 
ScoutAndres Blanco505 
Hitting CoachEmílio Blanco5514 
ScoutGregor Blanco479 
Pitching CoachNate Bland6012 
Pitching CoachDave Borkowski5811 
ScoutMartin Bowden417 
ScoutRob Bowen547 
Pitching CoachRyan Bower580 
ManagerBrian Bowles457 
Team DoctorJeff Bradford524 
Hitting CoachEd Bradley4910 
Pitching CoachBrenton Brooks421 
Pitching CoachDarren Brooks384 
Hitting CoachBen Broussard5813 
ScoutBen Broussard584 
Hitting CoachAdrian Brown613 
ScoutEmil Brown605 
Pitching CoachLou Brown360 
Hitting CoachRoosevelt Brown5917 
Hitting CoachWoody Brown440 
ManagerZach Brown5612 
Hitting CoachRichard Bryant5714 
ScoutRobert Bullard567 
ScoutMilton Bullock480 
ScoutNate Bump583 
Pitching CoachNate Bump586 
ScoutNate Bump5810 
Pitching CoachNate Bump585 
ManagerMorgan Burkhart633 
Hitting CoachMorgan Burkhart6320 
ScoutMorgan Burkhart6312 
Pitching CoachMike Burns569 
ScoutSean Burroughs5312 
ManagerEdward Burton459 
Pitching CoachJared Burton536 
ScoutBrian Buscher5312 
ScoutJorge Bustamante520 
General ManagerPaul Butler5110 
ScoutPaul Byrd6412 
ScoutGabriel Cabrera555 
Hitting CoachJolbert Cabrera629 
ScoutMelky Cabrera502 
ScoutErnie Cahill447 
ManagerTrevor Cahill483 
ScoutMiguel Cairo607 
ScoutRicardo Calderón574 
ManagerKiko Calero605 
ScoutChad Callahan441 
Pitching CoachFrancisco Campos474 
Pitching CoachSteven Cantrell489 
ScoutStanley Carlton560 
Pitching CoachFausto Carmona516 
Team DoctorDave Carney6023 
ManagerJosé Caro464 
ScoutChris Carpenter5915 
ManagerChris Carr5313 
Hitting CoachBrett Carroll528 
Team DoctorMatt Carter596 
ScoutMarcos Carvajal507 
Pitching CoachMarcos Carvajal503 
ManagerSean Casey6010 
ScoutSantiago Casilla5415 
ScoutScott Cassidy598 
Hitting CoachLuis Manuel Castaneda660 
ManagerLuis Castillo5918 
ScoutLuis Castillo593 
Hitting CoachLuis Castillo596 
ScoutBernie Castro556 
Team DoctorJuan Castro590 
ManagerRamon Castro5914 
Pitching CoachMike Cather6422 
ManagerRoger Cedeno6015 
ScoutJoba Chamberlain4912 
Hitting CoachEndy Chavez579 
ManagerEric Chavez5712 
Hitting CoachRoberto Chávez530 
General ManagerRocky Cherry553 
Hitting CoachGeorge Chivers360 
ScoutJin Ho Cho5917 
General ManagerJin Ho Cho5921 
ManagerTeok-kyu Cho5821 
ScoutHee Seop Choi5513 
ScoutMcKay Christensen599 
General ManagerJason Christiansen659 
General ManagerJason Christiansen6517 
ScoutDaniel Church594 
ScoutRyan Church5613 
ManagerAlex Cintron560 
ManagerGilberto Cisneros434 
Hitting CoachDave Clark6020 
ManagerHowie Clark617 
Hitting CoachTony Clark6216 
ManagerJ.D. Closser557 
ScoutDave Coggin5813 
ManagerGarry Colbert4712 
Team DoctorJonathan Coleman567 
Hitting CoachAdolfo Colim6017 
ManagerBobby Collins360 
ScoutRoman Colon555 
ScoutArthur Combs5812 
ScoutMax Connolly5414 
Hitting CoachJason Conti6013 
Hitting CoachEric Cooley435 
Hitting CoachBob Cooper4510 
ManagerVictor Cooper461 
ScoutJosé Córdova470 
Hitting CoachVíctor Corona559 
ManagerNeal Cote470 
Pitching CoachNeal Cotts5411 
Hitting CoachSteve Cox6015 
Team DoctorHenry Crabbe6216 
Pitching CoachJesse Crain5311 
ScoutJesse Crain5314 
ManagerHoward Cramer539 
ScoutCesar Crespo5516 
ManagerCoco Crisp5510 
ScoutBobby Crosby5513 
ScoutMax Crowder569 
ManagerFrancisco Cruceta5313 
ScoutFrancisco Cruceta5310 
ManagerMike Crudale587 
Hitting CoachAugusto Cruz410 
Hitting CoachDeivi Cruz6217 
Hitting CoachJacob Cruz626 
ScoutJacob Cruz623 
ScoutJacob Cruz6212 
ScoutJorge Cruz443 
Pitching CoachJuan Cruz400 
ScoutNelson Cruz548 
ScoutNelson Cruz6211 
Hitting CoachPedro Cuellar5712 
Pitching CoachJeff D'Amico609 
Pitching CoachJeff D'Amico609 
Team DoctorCole Dalton420 
ManagerJohnny Damon6110 
Hitting CoachJoe Daniels4913 
ScoutMike Darr582 
ScoutDave Davidson5011 
Pitching CoachBrandon Davis460 
ScoutDalton Davis4712 
ScoutIke Davis468 
ManagerJimmy Davis711 
Hitting CoachMichael Davis450 
ManagerTerry Davis430 
Hitting CoachTravis Davis352 
ScoutWade Davis469 
ManagerKenny Day5514 
ManagerEmery Deal470 
ScoutDavid DeJesus557 
ScoutMiguel del Toro627 
ScoutManny Delcarmen5318 
ScoutDavid Dellucci617 
ScoutChris Dempsey432 
ScoutRyan Dempster573 
Hitting CoachMark DeRosa6017 
ManagerMatt DeSalvo5413 
ScoutCristóbal Díaz5515 
ScoutEdwin Diaz6014 
ScoutErnesto Díaz411 
ManagerJorge Díaz472 
ScoutMatt Diaz5614 
ScoutVictor Diaz5312 
ScoutScott Dickerson5313 
ScoutR.A. Dickey602 
Pitching CoachBrendan Donnelly6314 
Pitching CoachAllen Dorr538 
Hitting CoachMichael Draper418 
ManagerStephen Drew517 
ScoutStephen Drew514 
ManagerJustin Duchscherer573 
ScoutJustin Duchscherer570 
ScoutChris Duffy5418 
Pitching CoachZach Duke513 
Hitting CoachElijah Dukes5011 
ManagerAdam Dunn555 
Hitting CoachTodd Dunwoody5910 
Hitting CoachTodd Dunwoody594 
Pitching CoachPaul Dupree480 
Hitting CoachJesús Durango6922 
ManagerJ.D. Durbin5310 
ScoutMike Duvall603 
ScoutAdam Eaton570 
ManagerAdam Eaton578 
ScoutBruce Echols6015 
ScoutJeff Edwards536 
ScoutScott Elarton597 
Pitching CoachDave Elder599 
ScoutJason Ellison569 
Pitching CoachJoaquín Enríquez320 
ScoutMorgan Ensberg5914 
Hitting CoachMorgan Ensberg596 
Hitting CoachAlex Escobar5612 
ScoutShawn Estes6219 
ManagerJohnny Estrada5810 
ManagerAndre Ethier5218 
Pitching CoachDana Eveland518 
Hitting CoachAdam Everett5811 
Hitting CoachAdam Everett587 
Pitching CoachJeurys Familia437 
ManagerHenry Farmer605 
ScoutJohn Faulkner5413 
General ManagerCarlos Febles5813 
ScoutScott Feldman5212 
Pitching CoachPedro Feliciano589 
ScoutYunes Fenuku417 
Pitching CoachRoberto Fernández5623 
ScoutChone Figgins5715 
Pitching CoachJeremy Fikac5911 
ScoutChris Fisher519 
Pitching CoachDenny Fletcher410 
ManagerJesus Flores506 
Pitching CoachJosué Flores520 
Team DoctorRafael Flores390 
ScoutVíctor Flores619 
Pitching CoachJosh Fogg5811 
ScoutEric Ford487 
ScoutNicholas Ford502 
ScoutBartolome Fortunato6015 
ScoutBartolome Fortunato6021 
ManagerKris Foster607 
ScoutDexter Fowler459 
ScoutJake Fox477 
ScoutFrank Francisco5517 
Pitching CoachGhislain Frappier370 
Pitching CoachJason Frasor5712 
ScoutHaden Frazier536 
Hitting CoachChoo Freeman559 
Hitting CoachKosuke Fukudome577 
Hitting CoachKosuke Fukudome5715 
ScoutKosuke Fukudome576 
Team DoctorDan Fuller4612 
ScoutAaron Fultz6110 
ScoutKason Gabbard522 
General ManagerKason Gabbard521 
Hitting CoachBill Gallagher390 
ManagerPancho Gallegos5611 
ScoutVicente Galván451 
ScoutEddy Garabito5810 
Hitting CoachEddy Garabito587 
Pitching CoachFreddy Garcia5914 
ScoutJavier García509 
Hitting CoachKarim Garcia5913 
ManagerJon Garland5514 
Pitching CoachJon Garland5523 
ScoutJon Garland5514 
Pitching CoachErik Garner440 
ManagerJoey Gathright535 
ManagerJoey Gathright5314 
ScoutEvan Gattis448 
ScoutJohn Gentry5718 
Pitching CoachChris George550 
ScoutSteve George451 
ScoutGustavo Germán453 
ManagerJustin Germano5210 
Pitching CoachJustin Germano5212 
Hitting CoachJody Gerut5716 
ScoutJody Gerut5717 
Hitting CoachJason Giambi6415 
Hitting CoachJeremy Giambi602 
Pitching CoachPaul Gibson437 
ScoutGeronimo Gil5910 
ScoutGeronimo Gil591 
Hitting CoachJerry Gil521 
ScoutJerry Gil528 
ManagerMarcus Giles5614 
ManagerChris Gillespie395 
ScoutEdward Glendenning430 
ScoutMiguel Gómez503 
ScoutÁngelo González545 
ScoutÁngelo González5415 
General ManagerÁngelo González5417 
Pitching CoachDicky Gonzalez562 
Pitching CoachDicky Gonzalez5610 
ManagerJosé González494 
ScoutJuan Gonzalez654 
ScoutJúlio González5918 
ScoutAlex Gordon5114 
Team DoctorTerry Gordon440 
ScoutArthur Gould484 
ScoutGlen Graham467 
ManagerJoe Graham515 
ScoutCurtis Granderson537 
Hitting CoachBarton Green4811 
Hitting CoachShawn Green6220 
Pitching CoachSteve Green5716 
Hitting CoachTodd Greene6314 
Pitching CoachZack Greinke5112 
General ManagerBen Grieve5813 
ManagerBrandon Griffin547 
Hitting CoachPaul Griffin5516 
ScoutGabe Gross5512 
Hitting CoachRafael Guerrero540 
ManagerVladimir Guerrero598 
ManagerWilton Guerrero6017 
Hitting CoachCarlos Guillen5915 
ScoutCarlos Guillen597 
General ManagerCarlos Guillen592 
ManagerJose Guillen586 
ScoutAntónio Gutiérrez450 
Hitting CoachEarnest Guy465 
ScoutRafael Guzmán437 
Hitting CoachJohn Haines497 
Hitting CoachBill Hall5510 
ManagerBill Hall553 
Team DoctorFrank Hall420 
ScoutJeffrey Hammonds634 
Hitting CoachPete Hampton557 
ScoutCraig Hansen5118 
ScoutAaron Harang568 
Pitching CoachMike Hardin561 
Hitting CoachJ.J. Hardy524 
ManagerGerald Harrell450 
ManagerLee Harrington6517 
ScoutLee Harrison5821 
ScoutRalph Harrison6216 
ManagerBo Hart587 
Hitting CoachCorey Hart523 
ScoutCorey Hart525 
Hitting CoachScott Hatteberg6514 
ManagerDonald Haynes403 
ScoutJimmy Haynes6219 
Pitching CoachNolan Heath5510 
Hitting CoachTodd Helton618 
Hitting CoachTodd Helton6111 
ScoutBen Hendrickson542 
ManagerGeorge Henningar478 
ScoutMatt Hensley5619 
Pitching CoachFelix Heredia595 
ManagerAlex Hernandez574 
ManagerAlfredo Hernández564 
ManagerCarlos Hernandez599 
ManagerCarlos Hernandez598 
Hitting CoachCarlos Hernandez596 
ManagerJorge Hernández5919 
Pitching CoachLivan Hernandez603 
ScoutRubén Hernández447 
Pitching CoachVicente Hernández554 
ManagerJunior Herndon569 
Hitting CoachAlfredo Herrera619 
ScoutArturo Herrera5516 
Team DoctorJuan Herrera421 
ScoutRafael Herrera448 
ScoutDave Hester370 
Hitting CoachJason Heyward445 
Hitting CoachAaron Hicks423 
ScoutRichard Hidalgo5910 
ScoutArtie Higgins478 
ScoutCody Hill465 
ScoutJeremy Hill5714 
ScoutNelson Hill430 
Pitching CoachShawn Hill537 
ManagerShea Hillenbrand5910 
ScoutSterling Hitchcock6322 
ManagerTrey Hodges5612 
ManagerJames Hoey5210 
ScoutTrevor Hoffman679 
ScoutKent Holcomb5318 
Hitting CoachMatt Holliday555 
ScoutChad Holt5917 
ManagerJames Holt5816 
ScoutDaniel Hoover410 
ManagerBob Hopkins5421 
Hitting CoachJ.R. House5512 
Hitting CoachJ.R. House558 
ManagerNick Howard500 
ScoutPeter Howe563 
Hitting CoachOrlando Hudson5719 
ManagerShawn Hudson455 
ScoutJeff Huff310 
Hitting CoachNick Hundley489 
General ManagerAlex Hutchings5519 
Hitting CoachOmar Infante536 
ScoutJoe Inglett566 
Pitching CoachKazuhisa Ishii6115 
ScoutTravis Ishikawa486 
ScoutAkinori Iwamura5610 
ManagerDamian Jackson6115 
Team DoctorFrancisco Jackson5921 
General ManagerGordon Jackson466 
General ManagerGordon Jackson466 
Pitching CoachHenry Jackson5917 
Hitting CoachEugene Jacobs480 
ManagerBobby Jenks5310 
ScoutRobin Jennings6210 
Hitting CoachErnesto Jiménez5412 
Hitting CoachAndy Johnson5911 
Hitting CoachCharles Johnson637 
ScoutKelly Johnson5311 
Hitting CoachNick Johnson569 
ManagerReed Johnson5813 
ScoutMike Johnston556 
Team DoctorCurt Jones400 
General ManagerJack Jones424 
ScoutQuentin Jones450 
ManagerRay Jones439 
ScoutRoy Jones4911 
Hitting CoachArthur Joseph420 
Hitting CoachGabe Kapler596 
General ManagerGabe Kapler5914 
Pitching CoachYoshifumi Kawaguchi403 
ScoutAustin Kearns562 
ScoutAustin Kearns5615 
Pitching CoachCliff Keith6014 
ScoutJeff Kelly481 
ManagerJason Kendall609 
Hitting CoachJason Kendall607 
ManagerHowie Kendrick5110 
ScoutHowie Kendrick5114 
ScoutHunter Kennedy476 
Team DoctorMichael Kennedy6014 
ManagerJeff Keppinger544 
ManagerByung-Hyun Kim561 
Pitching CoachByung-Hyun Kim5613 
Team DoctorJake King361 
General ManagerKyle King452 
Pitching CoachT.J. King472 
Team DoctorJonathan Kinney385 
ScoutMatt Kinney589 
Hitting CoachIan Kinsler525 
Hitting CoachIan Kinsler5215 
Pitching CoachDarby Kirkpatrick400 
ManagerDanny Klassen5913 
ManagerSteve Kline6218 
ScoutIsaac Knapp4614 
ManagerWarner Knapp433 
Hitting CoachGeoffrey Knox440 
Pitching CoachBilly Koch6013 
Team DoctorSteve Koch460 
ScoutCasey Kotchman5213 
ManagerMark Kotsay5920 
Hitting CoachMark Kotsay5910 
Hitting CoachKevin Kouzmanoff5316 
ManagerFrank Kramer416 
Pitching CoachHiroki Kuroda463 
Pitching CoachJohn Lackey569 
Hitting CoachMao Lai500 
ManagerGerald Laird5517 
Hitting CoachEric Lamb550 
Hitting CoachMike Lamb5910 
ScoutWalt Lambert616 
ManagerJim Lambright390 
ScoutJoe Lane440 
Hitting CoachRyan Langerhans554 
Hitting CoachCarlos Larson453 
ScoutBrian Lawrence5810 
Hitting CoachJoe Lawrence588 
Hitting CoachJoe Lawrence582 
ManagerMatt LeCroy5911 
Pitching CoachWilfredo Ledezma545 
ScoutWilfredo Ledezma548 
ManagerCarlos Lee5813 
ScoutCarlos Lee588 
Hitting CoachJim Lee340 
ManagerSteve Lee5513 
ScoutJuan Legares426 
Pitching CoachColby Lewis5510 
Hitting CoachDavid Lewis5413 
ManagerGreg Lewis6717 
Pitching CoachJensen Lewis507 
General ManagerNathan Lewis403 
Hitting CoachRick Lewis340 
ManagerGeorge Lillard559 
ManagerJose Lima6222 
ScoutJose Lima629 
Hitting CoachAdam Lind5118 
ManagerAdam Lind511 
Pitching CoachLawrence Little6418 
Pitching CoachAndrew Livingston6010 
ManagerRadhames Liz5113 
ManagerRadhames Liz511 
Hitting CoachPaul Lo Duca6212 
ScoutWilson Locke5717 
ScoutJames Loney5010 
Hitting CoachTerrence Long5912 
ManagerEvan Longoria4710 
ScoutAquilino Lopez5912 
Hitting CoachFelipe Lopez578 
Hitting CoachFelipe Lopez578 
Hitting CoachFelipe Lopez541 
ScoutLorenzo López4812 
ScoutLuis Lopez647 
Pitching CoachRodrigo Lopez5910 
ManagerSergio López525 
ScoutMike Lovell580 
Pitching CoachStan Lowe437 
Hitting CoachJared Lowery512 
Hitting CoachOwen Lowry443 
ScoutScott Lucas527 
ScoutJulio Lugo5919 
ManagerMatt Luke649 
Hitting CoachMatt Luke648 
Hitting CoachCarlos Luna471 
Hitting CoachLeón Luna5811 
ManagerTrey Lunsford557 
Hitting CoachKeith Luuloa608 
ManagerTravis MacDonald4510 
Hitting CoachMarvin MacGuffie550 
ManagerDallas MacIntosh450 
Team DoctorDaniel Mack370 
ScoutWarren Macklin546 
ManagerRob Mackowiak5812 
Pitching CoachScott MacRae6012 
ManagerRyan Madson5413 
Hitting CoachFelipe Maestas517 
ManagerWendell Magee6218 
ScoutShuan-yan Mah487 
Pitching CoachWillie Major6215 
Pitching CoachMatt Mantei6110 
ScoutMike Maroth579 
ScoutRoberto Márquez480 
ManagerEli Marrero617 
ScoutSean Marshall524 
Pitching CoachDamaso Marte6013 
Pitching CoachCarl Martin4512 
ManagerCarlos Martinez5210 
ScoutJesús Martínez6012 
ScoutJúlio Martínez430 
Pitching CoachMario Martínez6012 
ScoutVictor Martinez5610 
ScoutOnan Masaoka574 
ManagerJustin Masterson469 
Team DoctorAlfonso Mata450 
Hitting CoachRuben Mateo5713 
Team DoctorNeifi Mathews380 
Hitting CoachJohnny Mathis410 
Pitching CoachTroy Mattes5910 
Hitting CoachDaniel Matthews5619 
ManagerDave Maurer6013 
ScoutZack McAllister4411 
Team DoctorMillard McCauley504 
Pitching CoachZach McClellan5610 
Pitching CoachZach McClellan5614 
ScoutQuinton McCracken6412 
Hitting CoachDarnell McDonald5613 
Hitting CoachJason McDonald6219 
Hitting CoachJohn McDonald6014 
Pitching CoachKevin McGlinchy571 
ManagerLeonard McLean5317 
ScoutNate McLouth5314 
ScoutDonald Meadows660 
Hitting CoachTad Meany605 
General ManagerCisco Medina629 
ManagerJosé Medina410 
ManagerPete Meiners5824 
ScoutFrancisco Mejía380 
Team DoctorJermaine Meloan5316 
Hitting CoachKevin Mench5721 
ManagerBartolo Méndez598 
ScoutRamón Méndez4614 
ManagerAlan Meredith5613 
ManagerEarl Meredith476 
ScoutDan Miceli6414 
Hitting CoachDoug Mientkiewicz6011 
Hitting CoachAlbert Miller482 
Team DoctorDavid Miller380 
Team DoctorTim Miller607 
ScoutJavier Miranda517 
Pitching CoachDuane Mitchell492 
Pitching CoachSergio Mitre548 
Hitting CoachChad Moeller609 
ScoutJose Molina5917 
ScoutJose Molina596 
ManagerShane Monahan6016 
ManagerJimmy Moore470 
Hitting CoachLou Moore5818 
ManagerKendry Morales515 
Hitting CoachKendry Morales517 
ScoutLuis Morán4210 
General ManagerWilson Morán504 
ManagerRaúl Moreno603 
Hitting CoachNyjer Morgan5421 
Hitting CoachArmando Morín464 
Hitting CoachJorge Morín533 
ScoutCarroll Morris464 
Pitching CoachDan Morris537 
Pitching CoachJosh Morris502 
ManagerWarren Morris618 
Pitching CoachBrandon Morrow5012 
Hitting CoachNed Mosley5312 
ScoutRaúl Mota6114 
Pitching CoachPeter Moylan564 
ScoutScott Munter5417 
ManagerMatt Murton5312 
ManagerNeal Musser5410 
Pitching CoachAaron Myette5713 
ManagerBlaine Neal568 
Hitting CoachVincent Nelson449 
ScoutWill Nesmith5115 
Pitching CoachJohn Newcomb532 
Pitching CoachPhil Newsome481 
Hitting CoachKevin Nicholson586 
Hitting CoachKevin Nicholson5817 
ScoutForest Nielson520 
Pitching CoachGermán Nieves452 
ScoutLaynce Nix545 
Hitting CoachTrot Nixon6012 
General ManagerGreg Norton6219 
ScoutRoberto Novoa5511 
ScoutEduardo Nunez4511 
Pitching CoachMike O'Connor544 
Pitching CoachHarry O'Halloran485 
Hitting CoachWarren O'Howley466 
Hitting CoachMurray O'Keefe430 
Team DoctorStan O'Maloney440 
General ManagerMike O'Neill396 
ScoutBrendon O'Shaughnessy6116 
ManagerJosé Oliva430 
ScoutLance Olson4910 
Hitting CoachMagglio Ordonez619 
ManagerKevin Orie6214 
ScoutIsidro Ortega340 
ScoutJorge Ortíz540 
ScoutJosé Ortíz548 
ManagerRamon Ortiz6114 
ScoutChad Orvella544 
Hitting CoachLyle Overbay589 
Pitching CoachTony Pace560 
Pitching CoachJuan Padilla5814 
Team DoctorTomás Padilla5915 
ScoutAngel Pagan535 
ScoutAngel Pagan537 
Team DoctorEduardo Pagán470 
Pitching CoachChan Ho Park619 
ScoutMike Parker444 
Pitching CoachJim Parque599 
ScoutManny Parra526 
ScoutJohn Parrish5710 
ManagerCorey Patterson5516 
Pitching CoachDanny Patterson6410 
Pitching CoachCarl Pavano597 
ScoutJohn Pearson5415 
ScoutJake Peavy532 
ManagerBrayan Pena5310 
ScoutJesus Pena5911 
ManagerJesus Pena5919 
ScoutHunter Pence516 
ScoutBrad Penny5616 
ManagerAlberto Peralta5813 
ManagerAlfonso Pérez560 
ScoutMario Pérez514 
Hitting CoachNeifi Perez6115 
ScoutRafael Perez525 
ScoutWilson Pérez5414 
ScoutKyle Peterson587 
Hitting CoachBen Petrick574 
Hitting CoachBen Petrick573 
Pitching CoachAdam Pettyjohn574 
ScoutAdam Pettyjohn575 
Hitting CoachKyle Phillips466 
ManagerAdam Piatt596 
ScoutAdam Piatt5911 
General ManagerCalvin Pickering587 
Hitting CoachJuan Pierre5716 
ScoutA.J. Pierzynski5810 
ScoutRyan Pitts497 
Hitting CoachScott Podsednik587 
ScoutCarl Poe5112 
ManagerPlacido Polanco5919 
ScoutSidney Ponson588 
ManagerSidney Ponson5813 
ManagerEvan Pope470 
ManagerMike Porzio625 
ScoutMichael Potter479 
Hitting CoachBrandon Powell420 
ScoutJay Powell6311 
Pitching CoachJeremy Powell588 
ScoutMartin Prado516 
ScoutSam Pratt508 
ManagerJuan Prieto5817 
General ManagerBret Prinz5716 
ManagerMark Prior548 
ScoutBrandon Puffer596 
ScoutAlbert Pujols5518 
ManagerNick Punto5718 
ManagerJ.J. Putz587 
Pitching CoachJ.J. Putz586 
Pitching CoachOrlando Quiñones414 
ScoutGuillermo Quiroz534 
Hitting CoachAramis Ramirez565 
ScoutEdwar Ramirez538 
ScoutEdwar Ramirez5310 
ScoutElizardo Ramirez521 
ManagerHoracio Ramirez5510 
ScoutMartín Ramírez488 
ScoutRamon Ramirez532 
ScoutRamón Ramírez4411 
General ManagerRamon Ramirez5319 
ScoutRamon Ramirez5314 
ManagerFernando Ramos5720 
ScoutGeorge Ramsey5714 
ScoutLou Randolph452 
ScoutCody Ransom598 
ManagerDarrell Rasner543 
General ManagerDarrell Rasner5420 
Pitching CoachJon Rauch5611 
Pitching CoachJon Rauch565 
ScoutJim Ready5924 
ManagerJohn Reavis5810 
ManagerTim Redding572 
ScoutMark Redman6111 
Hitting CoachTike Redman5712 
ManagerMike Redmond634 
Pitching CoachMark Reed413 
ManagerStephen Reed5214 
ScoutJack Reese472 
Hitting CoachDesi Relaford6115 
ScoutChris Resop5210 
ScoutOrlando Reyes430 
Pitching CoachJohn Rheinecker551 
ManagerAustin Richards453 
Hitting CoachNick Richardson310 
ScoutRobbie Richardson482 
Hitting CoachRobbie Richardson489 
ManagerDavid Riske5813 
Pitching CoachBernardo Rivera5619 
ManagerDomingo Rivera530 
ScoutJorge Rivera380 
ManagerJuan Rivera5610 
ScoutRene Rivera512 
ManagerSaul Rivera579 
ManagerBrian Roberts577 
Hitting CoachRick Roberts550 
ScoutConnor Robertson538 
Pitching CoachA.R. Robinson420 
ScoutClinton Robinson450 
ScoutFrank Robinson496 
Pitching CoachJeff Robinson340 
ScoutKerry Robinson618 
Pitching CoachZak Robinson574 
General ManagerJohn Rocker6013 
ManagerAntónio Rodríguez5010 
ScoutFélix Rodríguez4513 
Pitching CoachFrancisco Rodriguez537 
Hitting CoachGuillermo Rodriguez566 
ManagerIsrael Rodríguez5726 
ManagerJuan Rodríguez4913 
ScoutRicardo Rodríguez479 
ManagerSean Rodriguez4913 
ScoutWandy Rodriguez5616 
ScoutWandy Rodriguez566 
Pitching CoachWandy Rodriguez567 
ManagerAaron Rogers547 
ManagerOtis Rogers554 
Team DoctorPedro Román459 
Pitching CoachDavis Romero5113 
General ManagerIván Romero4411 
Pitching CoachJose Rosado604 
Hitting CoachJosé Rosas537 
ScoutJosé Rosas5312 
Hitting CoachMike Ross540 
Hitting CoachAaron Rowand5720 
ManagerJosé Rúbio5821 
Hitting CoachCarlos Ruiz5611 
Hitting CoachManny Ruíz523 
ScoutLesta Saatchyan4912 
ScoutC.C Sabathia5411 
Pitching CoachC.C Sabathia5419 
Hitting CoachAlex Sanchez587 
ScoutArmando Sánchez589 
ManagerFelipe Sánchez5510 
ScoutJesus Sanchez602 
Hitting CoachJosé Sánchez461 
Team DoctorJuan Sánchez591 
ScoutJúlio Sánchez6217 
ManagerPedro Sánchez530 
ScoutRaúl Sánchez559 
ScoutCarlos Santana455 
ManagerJohan Santana5514 
Pitching CoachHector Santiago415 
General ManagerAngel Santos5518 
ScoutVictor Santos5811 
ScoutVictor Santos5812 
Pitching CoachLouis Saucier6012 
ManagerJoe Saunders5318 
ManagerJoe Saunders537 
General ManagerJoe Saunders5311 
ManagerTony Saunders6015 
Pitching CoachTony Saunders6013 
ManagerMax Scherzer457 
ScoutMike Schultz552 
ScoutAmbrose Scott488 
ManagerAndy Scott539 
ManagerAshton Scott420 
ManagerLuke Scott5613 
ManagerFernando Seguignol6018 
Pitching CoachDan Serafini6113 
Pitching CoachDan Serafini6117 
Pitching CoachDan Shafer578 
ManagerRyan Shealy5514 
Pitching CoachTom Shearn577 
ManagerBen Sheets562 
Pitching CoachBen Sheets5614 
ScoutBen Sheets567 
General ManagerJeff Shelton479 
ManagerScot Shields5912 
ScoutScot Shields5923 
Hitting CoachTsuyoshi Shinjo636 
ManagerJack Shirey5412 
ScoutCarlos Silva586 
ScoutBrian Simmons6120 
Hitting CoachBrian Simmons619 
ScoutKen Simms457 
ManagerJason Simontacchi6113 
ScoutJason Simontacchi616 
ScoutKelsey Simpson5615 
ScoutJackson Sims439 
Pitching CoachMike Sirotka6317 
Pitching CoachAndrew Sisco526 
ScoutAndrew Sisco5217 
Hitting CoachEddie Skinner4710 
Hitting CoachMitch Skinner584 
Pitching CoachDoug Slaten558 
ScoutTerrmel Sledge5715 
ScoutBill Smith5812 
ScoutDan Smith590 
Hitting CoachDave Smith6319 
Hitting CoachGil Smith4910 
ScoutGreg Smith4910 
ScoutJason Smith5712 
Pitching CoachJoe Smith508 
Pitching CoachMilo Smith440 
ScoutChris Snyder542 
Pitching CoachLuis Soberón545 
ScoutDong-jin Song615 
ScoutRafael Soriano550 
ScoutGabriel Soto5721 
ManagerGuillermo Soto522 
ScoutJeremy Sowers5113 
ManagerJim Spears5711 
ManagerJim Spears5710 
Hitting CoachJim Spears5717 
ScoutJustin Speier613 
Hitting CoachScott Spiezio6210 
Hitting CoachJunior Spivey6011 
General ManagerChris Spurling576 
ScoutLuther St. John501 
ScoutBlake Stein615 
Pitching CoachSteve Stemle573 
Pitching CoachSteve Stemle578 
ScoutBryan Stevens436 
ScoutBryan Stevens434 
ScoutDave Stevens6414 
ManagerDerek Stevens494 
Pitching CoachJunior Stevens583 
Pitching CoachTanner Stevens584 
Hitting CoachDon Stevenson518 
Team DoctorDaniel Stewart606 
Pitching CoachScott Stewart5918 
ScoutJim Stokes465 
Pitching CoachTanyon Sturtze6413 
ManagerPedro Suárez528 
Pitching CoachMatt Sullivan564 
ScoutMatt Sullivan569 
ScoutJake Summers461 
ScoutCecil Sutton548 
ScoutKazuhito Tadano546 
Pitching CoachBrian Tallet576 
ManagerBrian Tallet579 
General ManagerBrian Tallet5714 
Hitting CoachTony Tarasco6411 
ScoutJack Taschner568 
ScoutJordan Tata5311 
ScoutCal Taylor5911 
Pitching CoachRalph Taylor451 
ScoutVince Taylor4914 
Team DoctorChristian Teh6120 
Hitting CoachMark Teixeira544 
ScoutMiguel Tejada585 
ManagerRobinson Tejeda524 
Pitching CoachMichael Tejera589 
ManagerBailey Terrón578 
ScoutNate Teut5817 
ScoutNate Teut5813 
ScoutJoe Thatcher5319 
ScoutHoyt Thomas5717 
ManagerJason Thomas487 
Pitching CoachMark Thomas450 
Pitching CoachRich Thompson507 
Pitching CoachJohn Thomson6112 
ManagerMike Thurman6112 
Pitching CoachMike Thurman6116 
General ManagerBrian Tollberg625 
ScoutJorge Torres539 
Pitching CoachJim Tucker530 
ManagerJorge Turner5219 
ManagerJason Tyner571 
ManagerJason Tyner5714 
ScoutEduardo Valásquez5711 
ScoutJesús Valentín533 
ScoutYohanny Valera5813 
Pitching CoachJose Valverde557 
ScoutJose Valverde553 
ManagerJohn Van Benschoten5412 
ManagerJorge Vasquez567 
ScoutJorge Vasquez5621 
ManagerMarcos Vásquez579 
ManagerJesús Velasco410 
ScoutOctávio Velasco447 
Pitching CoachJuan Jose Vélez618 
ScoutShane Victorino543 
ScoutBartolo Villarreal459 
ScoutOscar Villarreal5315 
Pitching CoachOscar Villarreal5316 
Pitching CoachEdinson Volquez5111 
ManagerMaurice Wade434 
Hitting CoachDoug Wagner526 
ScoutJordan Walden447 
ManagerTodd Walker6111 
ScoutDonald Wallace468 
ScoutJeff Wallace5811 
ScoutCory Waller5311 
ScoutKelly Walls4711 
Pitching CoachChien-Ming Wang548 
ScoutDaryle Ward594 
ScoutDaryle Ward5914 
ScoutDaryle Ward5914 
ManagerAlex Ware6011 
Pitching CoachJarrod Washburn6016 
ScoutDerek Washington438 
ScoutVern Washington500 
ScoutEhren Wassermann5415 
Pitching CoachEhren Wassermann5412 
Pitching CoachBruce Waters5921 
Hitting CoachWayne Webber608 
Pitching CoachTodd Wellemeyer5616 
Pitching CoachBobby Werner480 
ScoutJake Westbrook5722 
ScoutJeff White434 
Team DoctorAl Whitehead6412 
Pitching CoachMarc Wilkins6410 
ManagerBrad Wilkinson567 
ScoutGeoff Williams5612 
General ManagerJerome Williams536 
ManagerRay Williamson410 
ManagerScott Williamson5913 
ManagerChris Wilson546 
Hitting CoachJack Wilson576 
Team DoctorJeffery Wilson416 
ManagerPreston Wilson6011 
ScoutSteve Wilson487 
Pitching CoachAllen Winter478 
ManagerMatt Wise5910 
Pitching CoachBob Wolcott617 
ManagerRandy Wolf5819 
Pitching CoachMike Wood542 
Pitching CoachSteve Woodard598 
Pitching CoachSteve Woodard5917 
ManagerJake Woods5322 
Hitting CoachDavid Wright528 
ScoutJamey Wright6012 
ManagerJaret Wright597 
Pitching CoachWally Wright503 
Pitching CoachMichael Wuertz569 
ScoutMichael Wuertz566 
Pitching CoachEsteban Yan5912 
Pitching CoachTyler Yates579 
ManagerBrit Young488 
Pitching CoachChris Young5512 
Team DoctorJim Young6227 
ManagerRob Younger430 
ManagerTien-kai Yun499 
Hitting CoachJuan Zamora5115 
ManagerGregg Zaun6312 
ManagerJulio Zuleta5912 

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